KnowGo quickly provides users with crowdsourced visual opinions on whether an area is nice, okay, caution.
Make informed decisions about where to stay and where to go in a new location.
Quickly rate and see safe locations
A single aggregated source to see multi-facetted angles on views of safety of a location
**An easy to use interface**
**Understand where you are going and the safety around you**
We believe that the average of human feedback regarding the vibe on an area will paint a more accurate picture than what is currently available.
Finally an app that tells me the ghetto parts of the state so i can book hotels accordingly and not get all shifted when going/leaving my room!
Cool app when traveling, specially with family to know what are the good and bad exits for the gas station / food / restroom stops. Wish they had navigation though!
Helpful app when figuring out where to move to and what the safe areas of town are!